
Why MMA?

MMA is unique in the world of elite ski academies. We are located in the best ski town in the East, and train at the best resort in the East, on one of the the best training venues in the nation. Our program has produced NCAA champions, US Ski Team members, and Olympic medalists.
Another key differentiator for MMA is that we strive to provide a boutique experience where the balance of student and athlete is perfectly met, and we pride ourselves on providing our students a world-class education. Our academic program has produced both AP Scholar award winners and National Merit Scholarship finalists. We want our graduates to have both the athletic ability and academic aptitude to succeed at the highest levels of the sport, and at the most selective colleges and universities.
 The unique opportunity that MMA's rich educational experience provides, gives our students 100% college acceptance rates, and creates well-rounded global citizens with a love of skiing. After their time at MMA, we are always incredibly proud to watch our graduates pursue their athletic, academic and wider ambitions.

Click below to download a presentation to learn more about the many reasons to choose Mt. Mansfield Academy when comparing ski academies.

The ambition of the Mt. Mansfield Academy is to provide the support and direction necessary for each young person to achieve their personal potential, goals and dreams.